

Our Center periodically publishes newsletters.  The Newsletters list events, presentations, Lunch & Learn's, and many other items, which are also included on our website.  Due to changes after the Newsletter goes to press, we will publish a one page update in the beginning of the 2nd and possibly the 3rd months of each quarter.  Below are Newsletters you can download, in .pdf format.  After clicking on a Newsletter, to return to this page click on the back arrow of your browser. You can now see our newsletter on Senior Connect.



Click here to view the 2021 January-February Newsletter.

Click here to view the 2020 November-December Newsletter.

Click here to view the 2020 September-October Newsletter.

Click here to view the 2020 July-August Newsletter.


Winter is here, but the Center is the place to go!  The heat is comfortable, lunches are great, and the classes and      activities are in full swing.  

The most recent State Grant the Center received has provided us with a new floor in the Thrift Shop, and to get there, we now have our new stair glide!  There are a few other items to complete the Grant, but Buster will go into more detail in his Message (page 11).  Many thanks go to Buster and Pat Guth again, for Buster on following through to acquire these assets, and to Pat for her grant writing skills.                                                                                       

In November, our Center had our first election for the Executive Board.  As your new President, I am proud to announce the new Executive Board: Rod Shultz is our 1st Vice President, Carol Shultz is our 2nd Vice President, Sandy Nyman continues as our Treasurer, Elaine Frank is our Secretary, and our Members-at-Large are Jo Ann Reckner and Carol Tyson.  We all appreciate Buster’s dedication on the Board for his many years as President and everything he accomplished.  We all wish him well as he remains active on the Board in 2018 as the Past President.

Thank you all for the vote of confidence in my new position, and to the other Board members as well.  Please come out to the Membership Meetings each month.  There will be new ideas shared, and as usual, we need you, the members, to come with questions and comments. This is your Center, and we value your input.

 - Ted Heimbach


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